Friday, July 23, 2010

Family Reunited!

One happy family again, finally! Its been a damn long wait. Things are back to normal. We went to pick Daddy up in the evening, we or rather (me) were wondering if he has grown fatter or thinner? We don't Skype nor did he send me any photos during these few months apart. That was our usual practice. Daddy finally appeared and he looked ungroom! Hahahah. He looked stout! I expected him to trim down since he told me he ate less in Aust. Well anyway, fat or thin, its good to see and have him back!! We miss him so much! The children finally get to be with their daddy again.
And the reason why he looked so ungloom was because he hasn't had a hair cut for the last 3 months!! He was just too busy there. He went for a quick hair cut at EC House. Doesn't he look much better now!