Monday, July 30, 2012

Our 3rd!

We have cut back on our outdoor activities lately because the older two are engaged in enrichment on weekends. Its tough managing our time lately. We are left with little time in between their enrichment, so we could only hang around at shopping malls. We have been spending more time with Caleb recently, we bring him out without Auntie Rose. It's more tiring but its manageable! He's been a very obedient and good boy, he listens and takes instructions. He's so adorable in every little way and he never fail to amuse us! He sure brightens the hearts of everyone one at home :) At the same time, i'm feeling the heat of incurring higher expenses now. Having 3 kids mean we definitely need a helper in the house to help out with the chores, cooking and taking care of the youngest one. Caleb will be attending school next year, Celeste and Zenith are going for more weekend classes now that they are older. Inflation has increased the cost of living in all aspect, even the domestic helper's pay as risen by $100! Celeste's maths tutor just text us to inform us fees will increase by $60 a month, its ridiculous! Our salary has not increased much though. It's quite a headache!