Sunday, July 01, 2012

Caleb 18 Months old

@ 18 months -
  •  Caleb is learning to pick up more words. His new words are "Hello", "didi", "kai kai" and "Bear". If he wants, he can repeat one word after us. Not yet with combining words.
  • He has also learn to walk up the stairs on his own, of course holding on the hand railing beside, not too good going down yet. 
  • He's not drinking too much milk though, but eating moderately well.He loves eating junk food like jellies and sweets, oops! He dislikes biscuits, does not fancy ice-cream but don't mind eating. His #1 favorite fruit is APPLE!
  • He starts to throw his little tantrum recently when he does not get his way. We will discipline him anyway.
  • He's still a very active and cheerful little baby, and just by seeing him, he makes all of us smile.... :)