Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Zenith finally turns 6!

We brought the kids to the Explorer Kids to celebrate his birthday. It's quite rush after work and school but there wasn't a choice because Celeste is in the afternoon session. Caleb ran so wild there and enjoyed his 1 hour session there.

 123 JUMP!
 The three happy kids!

 The birthday boy!
 Happy Birthday to Zenith!
 Happy Siblings when they are not arguing..
 Make a wish! All three were making one... seriously wishing...
 Super happy boy with his new toys!
 Celeste and Caleb each had a present from us too :-)
 Thank you Auntie Kwee hon, Jac, Fern, Steffi and Gerin for the New set of CHIMA :-)
 Caleb and his little dinosaurs... ROAR!