Sunday, September 23, 2012

New Skates!

Celeste has a new pair of Skates!! We got a blue one so its unisex and can be passed down to Zenith or even Caleb. She's so excited, she tried skating downstairs and was able to pick up the sport pretty fast. She managed to balance on her own after a few attempts. The good thing about Celeste is, she's always interested to learn new skills, she tried to fall down and tries different positions to get up herself.

 yeah! she did it!
 Zenith didn't want to try blading, so we didn't get a pair for him.Caleb trying skate skooter..
 Zenith after seeing Celeste having so much fun, finally decided to give it a shot too!
 I think with more time, he can pick up blading too. Maybe we can get him a pair of blades too! He's enjoying it now..
 Darling Caleb posing with me...