Monday, August 13, 2012

@ 20 Months

2 more weeks to 20 months, Caleb's vocab is getting better, he can imitate many words that we say, and understands many words that we say too. For an example, when i say, "Caleb please close the cupboard", he will close it. When he dirties his hands, and i say, "Caleb go take a tissue" he repeats after me, "tissue" and he runs and returns with a tissue paper from the dining table. He's trying to form short sentence, like when he sees Mark's slippers, he says " Daddy shoes". He listens well and responds well by nodding his head. He replies "No" more than "yes" at this time, he started learning how to say "ok".

Things that he enjoys doing himself now is feeding himself during meals, and he takes off his own socks and shoes when he returns home. He also knows how to pose for a picture. Here he is with a new shirt that we bought and he could stand there and SMILE...