Thursday, January 24, 2008

How is she doing

28 Months old and..
*hair growing very very slowly and thin.., has receding hairline at the sides just like Mark! No wonder!
*Can identify colours
*Can count 1-10 herself
*Can’t sing a complete song yet, favourite song is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”
*Able to remove her own clothes and diapers herself but not able to put on properly.
*Appetite is great and a meat lover, just like Mummy!
*Likes to be pretty! She can sit still for her hair cut because she was told she gets prettier after that.
*Enjoys eatting vege now because Popo said her eyes becomes bigger!
*Likes to be read a story but gets distracted just 5 minutes into it.
*Greets the teacher "Morning" and Says "Lao Shi Qin Chi".
*It's weird but she loves taking medicine! Probably cause its sweet!
*Understands Papa and Mummy needs to work and she needs to go to school.
*bullies Papa and demands his attention immediately while listens to Mummy completely! Coz Mummy is really fierce!
Way to go man Girl!