Saturday, April 14, 2007

Wk 36

My C-section has been brought forward by 2 days to 17th April, 1430hrs! The gynae has a last minute trip to Portugal for training. Wow! That means i will be delivering at wk 37 exactly.

I went for a check-up yesterday, it was quite disappointing to find out that Baby Zenith is actually slightly smaller than expected. He is currently estimated at 2.3kg, expected weight at birth to be at 2.5-2.7kg. Celeste was 3.32kg at birth at wk 37. Apparently, my placenta does not seem to be absorbing enough nutrients for baby's growth. So all the more i should be delivering earlier...for this reason. I also have signs of high blood due to numbness and pain felt on my palm. Well, I'm counting down to 3 more days. After putting on 14kg, I'm getting increasing uncomfortable walking and sleeping.