Sunday, December 03, 2006


The child’s behavior changes a lot as weeks pass. She learns new tricks, observes the others and imitates the adults and you will be surprised by her actions! She enjoys playing passing the ball game, doesn’t want to be carried out from her bath, tests her limits when we say “No”, and is walking better now.

It’s also a new challenge when we bring her out these days. Yesterday, she started walking on her own at the shopping mall we thought it was a major accomplishment! At the same time, unknowingly to us, she revealed another side of her. After gaining her independence, she refuses to sit in her pram for long, wants to walk around and explore, refuses to be carried at times, struggles when we try to carry her away while she is exploring on the ground, protesting every time she doesn’t get her way. Mark is having his backache now from his constant carrying and bending over to watch over Celeste while I can’t help much because of my pregnancy… besides, she sticks to her dad more than me :-(

Nevertheless, it’s a joy watching yr child grow up… life has never been more complete than now… :-)