Zenith is almost 20 Months old! He knows how to smile for my camera :)
Cecile brings him down for a morning walk every morning, at times, he got mistaken as a gal!! He was pushing his toy stroller and a auntie commented why isn't there a baby inside for him to push. So Cecile replied, boys cannot play dolls, and the Auntie reply was, he is a BOY??
Zenith is talking more and picking up words faster now though he still blabbers alot. He's favourite words are still NO and Don't want. At times i asked him to give me a kiss, he will reply No... and secretly smiled, he sure knows how to tease me, knowing i wanted that kiss so much :p
He doesn't really call me alot, he prefers to call Papa and looks out for him when Mark walks away. He likes to call mama (for grandma), Jie Jie, Ye Ye (grandpa) and knows how to point and call Popo when he sees her photos! He has yet to address her personally!!
When we visit the supermarket and spots his milk, he points and says Milk and loves to repeat after us like Haha.. he will repeat Ha... that's really funny!
And when he sees dog, he will say Dog, "woah woah" and he links Duck to "Quack Quack". The most funny thing is when Celeste cries and gets really loud, Zenith will ask her to "STOP" and points his finger at her and says Shhhh.... i think he learnt that from me!
Celeste and him plays role playing at times. Celeste will ask Zenith to sleep, close his eyes and suck his fingers, then Zen will listen to his sister, and pretends to close his eyes and fall asleep! Its fun to see them play together, though most of the times, they end up fighting over toys.
Words he can say now:
Up Stairs (whether or not he wants to go up/down)
Sit here
I want, Don't want
Shee Shee (pee); Yes, we are trying to toilet train him, but he doesn't seem ready for it yet!
No More, More, Some More
Train, Car, Bus...
And he's trying to fix sentense : Mama.. go... stairs..
And He knows how to call JJ!! Thats his baby cousin!