Zenith behaves like a little monkey run loose in the room! He lays his hands on everything, from switches to any untouchables! He fell down from the bed/sofa countless times. He throws a packet of milo into the toilet bowl, we beat him, scolded him and even put him at naughty corner, he's not repentant at all!
We are leaving Shenzhen for Hong Kong today, but Mark came down with fever!! Arrgh!! Now gota wait for his fever to subside before we can pass the HK immigration! We are moving on to HK without the rest :)
With Auntie Jennifer & Uncle Charlie's help, we hired a private car to ferry us from our Hotel in Shenzhen to Holiday Inn at Hong kong and that cost $150. So much comfort with the kids! We finally arrived at our familiar Hotel Room.
Then off to Mongkong to check out Mark's hobby on Heli!