Tuesday, February 25, 2014

@ Bishan Park

Our weekend sun evening ~ the children loves going bishan park to feed the fishes, blade, skate skoot and now soccer playing!

@ East Coast Park

Caleb's first bike ride and he's doing great! He surely learns fast and has good motor skills!

Cindy's New Born

Finally found the time to visit Cindy's new born baby boy :-)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I want to be as strong as Daddy when i grow up! I want to be a commando too!


Morning breakfast having Prata with sugar ~ he can finish 1 himself at times!

Cute Caleb

He's first try into this colour art job and he's loving it--> his master piece!

CNY celebration at G8

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Happy Lunar New Year Day 2

Today's a busy day and but fun day! More gathering with relatives ~~ and my first time dressed in cheong sam :-)