One of the retro lifts which we took, we wanted to go up to the 5th Floor but realised the lift only stops at even level. So we had to take the lift down and switch to the next lift. Mark has adopted a New Hobby for Remote Control Helicopter and he was sourcing around for the parts. Not all shops are located on the ground level as rental would be more costly. Their shops were located in some office buildings instead.
Stopping over for some tea-break.. need to give our foot some rest and feed our stomach. Check out her stony look, she just got up from her nap.
We did alot of exercise during this trip, HK is not exactly baby friendly. Their MTRs are not well facilitated with escalators/lifts. We had to carry the stroller up/down the flight of steps all the time. Mark was incharged of carrying the stroller while i carried Celeste. This is the flight of steps at Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station leading to our Hotel.
We ate at Mac Donald's today upon Celeste's Request. The current theme is Hello Kitty, the concept is quite different from Singapore. I had to top up S $2 for a Hello Kitty Toy.
We went for yummy Dim Sum that cost much lesser than Crystal Jade. Its half the price we would pay for the same food in Singapore. It was embarrasing that both of us didn't know how to read the menu in mandarin. We took a long time to figure out what to order till we gave up. Hahah, the restarant manager gave us a English Menu instead which helped instantly.
And we realised the English Menu did not include all the dishes, at least we found out the carrot cake was missing from this English Menu.
Celeste wanted to check out one of the Olympic Mascot, and i got her to pose with it :)
She was really tired towards the evening, as she only managed to nap on the way to the airport.